Kelly Richardson Age: 39
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Hall and Oates Faves:
Fave Song: Kiss On My List, Unguarded Minute (Private Eyes)
Fave Video: Maneater, Dreamtime (Hall)
Fave Concert: The first April 17, 1985
Fave Album: Big Bam Boom
more about Kelly!
Have you met Hall and Oates? No, my college
roommate did an did get me pictures and an autograph though
What is your favorite item in your collection and why?
My Voices 8-Track, cassette, album and CD.
What's a way you show your love for Hall and Oates?
Continually purchasing the same music over and over. Even though you have
the same songs, any new album of greatest hits or remixes is a must have.
