Stephen Braden Age: 36
Location: Seattle
Hall and Oates Faves:
Fave Song: (at the moment) Say It Isn't So
Fave Video: Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid
Fave Concert: Redmond 2003
Fave Album: (Tie) Along The Red Ledge/Big Bam Boom
Fave Memory: The concert they did in Woodinville in '97. It had
been years since I had seen them, and the setting with the wine vineyards,
the setting sun, and hot air balloons was picture perfect!
more about Stephen!
Have you met Hall and Oates? Yes, briefly in Nov.
'97 after the show at the Temple Theatre in Tacoma.
What is your favorite item in your collection and why?
My vinyl copy of Rock and Soul Part I that I bought for my birthday
in March of 1984. That was my first H&O album and it's what got me
started... that and the videos for Say It Isn't So and Adult Education.
What's a way you show your love for Hall and Oates?
Buy their albums, go to their shows, educate those who have yet to
experience their music.

Fellow hall and oates fans Mariam and Steve hang out together for the